Data policy

I. Responsible

RTL Studios GmbH
Picassoplatz 1
50679 Cologne

is responsible for the processing of your personal data mentioned below (hereinafter also referred to as “RTL Studios”, “we” or “us”).

You can contact our data protection officer by email at or by post at the address marked “Data Protection Officer”.

II. Processing of personal data

Personal data includes first and last name, age, gender and place of residence, as well as other data relevant to a production, such as hobbies, videos and photos.

For certain formats, we may also process so-called special categories of your personal data, such as health data or your genetic data.

1. as part of the application and casting process

The data you provide as part of the application and casting process will be stored and analysed by RTL Studios in order to assess whether you are a suitable candidate or participant (hereinafter collectively referred to as “Participant”) for the respective production. It may also be used to conduct a casting.

For some productions, it is necessary to request special categories of data, such as health data and genetic data. We will expressly point this out to you and the processing will be based on your consent in accordance with Art. 9 II lit. a) GDPR.

RTL Studios uses external service providers for some processing operations, in particular those where your genetic data is collected and processed. These are expressly referred to.

With your consent, RTL Studios will initially receive exclusive access to the evaluation of your genetic data from the external service providers in order to then communicate this to you as part of a planned production, provided that you are considered as a contributor. Your genetic data contains information about your ancestry, ethnicity, genetic characteristics and traits as well as other information about you and your family.

To participate, you must accept the terms and conditions and privacy policy of these service providers, which will be provided to you by RTL Studios or the local service provider. RTL Studios has no influence on the content of these General Terms and Conditions of Business and Use and data protection declarations.

In addition, we sometimes carry out a verification of your details. We use various search engines to check your details, in particular your name, for accuracy. The verification result is recorded.

The legal basis for this is the implementation of pre-contractual measures between you and RTL Studios (Art. 6 I lit. b) GDPR).

If you are not considered as a contributor, your data will be deleted four weeks after RTL Studios has cancelled your participation.

If your genetic data has been collected by a service provider and you are not considered as a participant, your genetic data will be made available to you by the service provider and deleted from our database four weeks after RTL Studios has cancelled your participation.

2. in the context of the production

If a contract is concluded for participation in a production, the data you provide and which becomes known in the course of the production may also be transmitted to RTL Television GmbH, Vox Television GmbH and Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland GmbH (RTL companies, all Picassoplatz 1, 50679 Cologne), which are involved in the production.

The legal basis for this is the fulfilment of a contract between you and RTL Studios.

In the case of special categories of personal data, such as your genetic data, the transfer and disclosure will be based on your consent in accordance with Art. 9 II lit. a) GDPR. In this case, the evaluation of your genetic data may only be disclosed to you in the course of filming in order to fulfil the concept of a planned production.

Your first and last name as well as the information on which production you have participated in will be stored for 10 years. Your other data will be deleted no later than four years after completion of the production. A recording of the respective production, which may also contain your data, will be archived.

3. in the context of broadcasting/analysing the production

Your data may also be transmitted to RTL interactive GmbH, RTL Television GmbH, Vox Television GmbH and Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland GmbH to promote the production. In addition, your data may be transmitted by RTL Studios or one of the RTL companies to press and other media companies.

The legal basis for this is the legitimate interest of RTL Studios and the RTL companies in the comprehensive evaluation of the production. Investment in productions is only worthwhile if they can be comprehensively analysed economically. This also includes comprehensive marketing in relation to the production. The right of RTL Studios and the RTL companies to comprehensive evaluation outweighs their right to your personal data.

4. in the context of billing

If an expense allowance has been agreed for your participation, the data you provide for this purpose, such as your IBAN, will be transmitted to Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland GmbH for billing purposes. This company will make the payment.

The legal basis for this is the fulfilment of the contract between you and RTL Studios.

5. as part of the casting database

Provided you have given your consent, your name, address, age, gender, photos and videos, as well as your previous participation will be included in the RTL Studios casting database. The exact data collected is based on the questions on the application form. RTL Studios uses this database to check whether you could be a suitable participant for a future production. If this is the case, RTL Studios will contact you by e-mail or telephone.

You can withdraw your consent at any time by writing to RTL Studios GmbH, Claudius-Dornier-Straße 1, 50829 Cologne or by sending an email to Your data in the casting database will then be deleted within four weeks.

6. as part of the newsletter

If you have registered for the RTL Studios newsletter, RTL Studios will use your e-mail address and your name to send you a newsletter.

You can revoke your consent at any time with effect for the future by writing to RTL Studios GmbH, Claudius-Dornier-Straße 1, 50829 Cologne or by sending an email to Your data relating to the newsletter will be deleted within four weeks of cancellation.

7. in the context of contact

You have the option of contacting us in various ways for different purposes (e.g. enquiries about productions, castings, newsletters, etc.). We use the data you transmit in this way solely to process your enquiry. They will be deleted after processing, unless storage is required for other reasons.

Depending on the type of contact, the data protection declarations of the respective provider may also apply.

III. Your rights

You have the right to information about your personal data stored by us at any time. If your personal data is incorrect or no longer up to date, you have the right to request that it be corrected. Under certain circumstances, you also have the right to request the deletion or restriction of the processing of your data.

You have the right to object, on grounds relating to your particular situation, at any time to data processing based on legitimate interests with future effect.

If the processing of your data is based on consent, you can withdraw this consent from the controller at any time with effect for the future.

Finally, you also have the right to request an electronic copy of your data or to have the data forwarded to another provider. You also have the right to contact a data protection authority to lodge a complaint.

The exercise of your rights against us is free of charge for you, except in the case of manifestly unfounded or excessive requests.

You can assert these rights with the controller.

IV. Changes to this privacy policy

RTL Studios reserves the right to amend this privacy policy at any time in compliance with the applicable data protection regulations.

Cologne, 02 October 2023